Monday, October 5, 2009

Status Stupidity

So, I'm on facebook quite often. Much more than needed, but I'm usually have Finale up working on something or other and just have it up if someone wants to chat. However, some statuses have really started to annoy me lately. So much in fact, that I've hidden certain people from my news feed and even more have removed some as friends. With that said, here's a list.

Things No One Wants to See on Your Status Update
  • Homework Assignments: Chances are someone else has more than you and will comment about it so you know.
  • Things That Don't Make Any Sense: Seriously, if you're going to put something with your name on it, at least make it somewhat sensible to someone out there.
  • What Day of the Week It Is: Everyone knows.
  • Inspirational Quotes That Suck/Were Written by You: As much as I appreciate you flaunting yourself around like Socrates and showing everyone how "deep" you really are, stop it.
  • Feelings Towards Your Significant Other: I don't mind the occasional "my gf/bf is awesome," but once you start posting "LOVES HIM/HER SOOOO MUCH," or "wouldn't know where he'd/she'd be without you babe," it gets really old, really fast. We get that you like each other. Please stop screaming it at us.
  • Status Hijackings Concerning Victim's Sexuality: Ok, changing your friend's status to " so gay (among various other homosexual things)," makes it absolutely completely obvious that someone messed with it. What is actually comical is when you can change it to something that makes friends laugh at the victim, but still makes them think they posted it.
I hope this was at least somewhat informational concerning my feelings on these topics. Just know that if you do post something within these criterion, you will be subject to being hidden and/or possibly even removal all together. Have a good week.