Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it has been 2009 for a couple hours now. I have made a few resolutions, just like everyone else. I intend to keep them as well.


I never really exercised a whole lot on my own after gym class. I've decided I'm going to work out/run at least two or three times a week. Nothing wrong with being healthy, and you gotta have some kind of cheesy cliche on the top of your resolution list.


I do read my Bible, but not quite as often as I should. I plan to read every day at least once if not twice. I got some big decisions headed my way. If I want to make the right choices, reading the Bible is a great place to look. I also have some friends that occasionally will ask me for advice. How am I supposed to help them if I don't have at least a small amount of wisdom?


I know my roommate will love this one. I've been known for being a bit loud. I admit, sometimes it is a bit over the top. I actually read about it today, in my Bible. I have a good start on my 2nd resolution already. I was reading in 1 Thessalonians, in chapter 4 verse 11 it says, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life..." I figure it should be something I need to look into doing.

So there are my resolutions for 2009. Basically, I'm going to stay healthy physically and spiritually, and by being healthy and fit in both I will be healthy emotionally as well. Kind of confusing, but it's not, trust me. Here's an equation:

{{Healthy Physically + Healthy Spiritually = Healthy Emotionally}}

Happy 2009!

Friday, December 19, 2008


I am in a weird mood. I'm happy, yet I'm not, and I know why. Unfortunately, I don't want to share it at this point. Let's just say that, God brought something awesome into my life, and is putting it on hold it seems. It's for the better, but I want it now. There a few things in my life right now that aren't what they should be. I believe that God is wanting me to take care of those things before he "gives" me what I want.

I don't necessarily see myself as a patient person, I guess tolerant would be a better word for it. I can stand a lot of things. I may not like it, but I can tolerate it. For instance, on our missions trip to Mississippi the kids would hang all over you. Not particularly my favorite, but I could tolerate it and it was good for them. I never got angry, but patience is something I think God will be teaching me these next 8 or 9 months. Which is good, usually if I want it, I'll rush into it and BAM! It doesn't always turn out the way I'd like. If you have any idea what I'm talking about, or if you think you have an idea, this may confirm it:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does no envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."
-1 Corinthians 13:4

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Interim Deity

Life's hardships happen to come along,
Like losing a job or a family member.
All of sudden we know where to go,
We randomly remember.

As soon as He helps us out
We push Him back out the door.
Why wouldn't we do just that?
He is not a need anymore.

Humans know how to run our lives.
It's only the best if it's run by us.
We don't need Him any longer;
It's simply not a must.

We feel mighty proud of ourselves,
Kicking Him out on a whim.
We're the powerful ones here
And we don't need Him!

Mark 7:6

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sticker Satisfaction

Something got me to thinking today. I've been in Lincoln the past few days for the NMEA all state convention. A couple friends of mine and I stayed at my grandma's house. She lives in Lincoln and free lodging. It rocked. We slept in today and my aunt and uncle and baby cousins came for lunch. It was nice to see them.

Before we left, I was packing my stuff and my 3 year old cousin came in. He looked at Grandma's desk and found stickers. His face lit up as he looked at me and asked if he could have some. I told him to go ask Grandma. He sprinted out of the room searching for her. What's so intriguing about stickers, I thought. I remember I used to freak out when I was littler about them. I wanted one, but now, it doesn't appeal to me as much. Why?

It reminded of a lot of christians today. When we are younger, around the beginning adolescent stages someone introduces us to Jesus and the amazing thing He did for us. Being overjoyed and probably not completely understanding the idea we freak out and want to follow Him, yet as we get older, God fades out. We aren't attracted to it as much anymore. He's just kind of there. We don't want Him as much as we used to want Him.

However, adults still do ocassionally get stickers. After voting you get a sticker and walk around with it proudly. This can be compared to Christmas or Easter for christians. It's a religious holiday so we all need to be religious. Sometimes you get stickers for giving blood. When something absolutely horrible happens to you, like a death in the family or getting fired from your job, you turn to God for a little while. Only until He gets you back on your feet so you can take back over.

I've seen it happen to which sucks more than you'd believe. Zac and I have had a friend of ours, a good friend of ours, turn away from God. Zac feels more convicted about it than I do but I still feel bad about it. Zac says he thinks it was partially his and our fault that they stopped trusting in Jesus the way they did, but we'll never really know.

In middle school this person was on fire for God, or so it seemed. We went to all the youth group stuff together, all of the church stuff together and were viewed as growing young adults of Christ, until high school happened. Things changed so fast. I will admit, when I first began high school I was not as close to God as I should have been. I never really was satisfied with my relationship with Him until the end of my junior year even, but I came back. Zac pretty much stayed the same with his relationship with God from what I could see, but our friend did not.

They started hanging out with the wrong crowd and by doing that got to going to parties and it progressed on and on. I watched as I knew them so well during middle school to not even knowing them at all when we were seniors, and it went so fast.

At the time, the christian thing seemed really cool. They wanted a sticker. As time drew on they got tired of it and it got dirty and was covered up. They didn't want it. They were done with it. All that can help them now is prayer, and lots of it.

I have to put on a new sticker every so often. I screw up and ask for forgiveness from God. He takes off the old sticker and gives me a brand new one. He forgets about what I have done. The old sticker is gone with a new clean one on me. He lets me start over.

Pray for our friend, and that they would get a new sticker.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Arraying Aphorisms

Politics. Racism. Abortion. Gay Marriage.

All of the above ideas have been brought up to me in the past week. Mainly because of the election, but in a non hostile environment I'm going to express my views, which I believe are right. They are based on the Bible.

Barack Obama is the new president of the United States. I did not vote for him. I did not vote for anyone. I was not in support of Obama because he was pro choice. I've actually had someone tell me I was racist for not voting for him. A friend of mine sent a bumper sticker on facebook today that said "Voting for him BECAUSE he's black is racist, too." I'm very picky on who I would like as a leader, and Obama wasn't exactly what I would have liked. I was a bit disappointed with the results, but for whatever reason it happened. All I can do now is pray for him.

It is wrong, no matter how you look at it. It doesn't matter if a teenage girl has unwanted pregnancy or a married wife is raped. It's a baby. You keep it. It's a life. It's the first and only time you will probably be able to get away with murder.

Gay Marriage:
This is a touchy subject. I've recently gotten into an argument about it. I've been told "they can't help it" and "it's not their decision." However, I find that very hard to believe when God says that it is wrong. Why would a loving God make someone sinful!? He doesn't do that. Why would he distance Himself from them!? It doesn't make sense. I really don't know if they can't help it or not and it really shouldn't even matter. My God says it is wrong, therefore it is. Plain and simple. I do not hate them. God doesn't hate them.

There it is. Take it as you will.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

College Salutations

We just had fall break. Monday and Tuesday were ours to do with whatever we wanted. It was nice; I hung out with the family and some "old" friends. Zac and I traveled back to UNK last night. We left kind of late, and usually you don't find parking spots after 9ish.

Somehow, I caught a spot fairly close. Quickly, Zac snagged it. It was cold and a bit rainy. We got all of our crap together. For me, it was my backpack, duffle bag, and laundry. I had my hands pretty much full. Zac had about the same, but minus the laundry and had another duffle bag. As we walked up to CTW there were people outside smoking. Not a big surprise.

Ignoring them, we were shoving through without touching anyone. Somehow, we were looked at weird for trying to get inside. I managed to open the door, God only knows how, and I hear a voice behind me, "Yeah, it's nice to see you Keygan." Not wanting to be rude, I turned around and backed into the door holding it open as Zac walks in. It was someone who is in the FAB quite often that I occasionally talk to. I smiled, "Oh hi how was your break?" They stared at me for a bit and said, "No f--- you, I don't care." Confused, I shook it off and backed into the building. Zac was laughing as I caught up with him. He heard.

That didn't bother me all that much. Whatever, I thought. Why should I care what they think of me? There's only One that I care what they think about me, and He is much more important and powerful than anyone else.

However, I have an 8 o'clock class on MWF. This morning when I woke up it was cold and rainy. I got back from my morning classes about half an hour ago. I'm not as wet as I was, but still pretty damp...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Slapped with Solace

Zac and I had a short but sweet conversation tonight about finances, because let's be honest, us college kids aren't the richest on the planet. However, he said he likes it more when he has nothing. He enjoys being broke. This confused me, a lot. If I don't have much money I worry about it and freak out because I don't know what will happen. I told Zac this and he relied with, "exactly."

I gave him a puzzled look; he explained. "Now that I don't have any money I have to rely on God because there's nothing else I can do. I don't or rather can't worry about what will happen because I can't do anything about it. It's up to God. I have to let Him decide." That makes sense.

I then explained to him about my financial concerns. I don't have a job right now and my graduation money/savings bonds are dwindling down, and I really want to march drum corps this summer. My parents aren't going to pay for it all, I know that. I'm trying out for Troopers and expect myself to get in, as well as paying for at least half of it myself. Right now, if I wouldn't be possibly doing that this summer, wouldn't be as worried about finances as I am now.

God kind of slapped me in this face and calmed me down. As if to say, "I got it. Don't worry about it. If I want you to march with Troopers this summer, you will. I know how badly you want to."

It was the most comforting slap I've ever received.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bigot Ball

He kicked another one from the right side. It was a far distance and his right side was his weak side as well. It bounced off the left goal post. Frustrated, he jogged after it. It was 11:30 on a Saturday morning and Brett had been up since 7:00 practicing. His team had managed to make the state tournament and being one of the senior leaders, he wanted to give his team the best chance possible to get as far as they could. Maybe even win it all.

Brett put the ball in the same place and tried again. He knew he had to pull it back to his right a bit. He did so, but too far. The ball hit the side of the goal. He got it and put it in the same spot again. This time he knew how to get it in. He vaulted it with his foot and the ball met face to face with the back of the net. He did it twice more to make sure he could do it and it wasn't a fluke.

Pretty soon, his friend Alex showed up. He was going to go grab some food together. Alex was on the JV team; he wasn't the greatest player. Partially because he didn't practice, but he also wasn't as passionate about it as Brett. Alex walked onto the field. "You ready to go?" he asked Brett. "Almost, I just have take a couple more shots." Brett launched the ball towards the goal, it went in. "Nice," said Alex. "Thanks." Brett moved on. He took another shot from almost midfield. It hit the top crossbar of the goal and bounced back towards him. "Do you always do that when you take a shot?" Alex asked.

"Do what?"
"Right before you kick it, your arm comes out."
"I do it for balance. Don't want to fall over you know."
"Oh, well, I guess not."

Brett set up the ball to try the shot again. "It just seems kind of unnecessary," added Alex. Brett ignored the comment and kicked it. This time, it went in with ease. "Alright, I'm done."

As they walked back to the cars, Alex wasn't satisfied. "It's just, when I practice, I don't do that." Brett looked at him, "You practice?" "Of course I do," said Alex. Brett gave him a suspicious look. "It doesn't seem like it." "Just because I'm on JV doesn't mean I don't practice at all Brett. Give me a little bit of credit." He backed off, but Alex didn't. "You think that because you're starting varsity, you practice a lot more than I do?" Brett remained quiet. "I work just as hard as you do. I practice every day." Finally, Brett piped in.

"But I can't see it."
"See what?"
"The practice; I don't ever see you practicing and I also don't see it when you play."
"You think you're better than me."

Brett bit his tongue, hard. Alex stared at him. "Well, I am starting..." Brett said. Alex peeled away. He's the expert on soccer now Brett thought. He doesn't know the hours I put in. He doesn't know the things I've sacrificed. He left a ball on the field. He ran at it with frustration and kicked it. It veered right. Brett slowly begin jogging to get the ball and try again.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Relative Revivification

Last week I felt down. I hadn't been home in a month and I was missing everyone back home so much. It just seemed like I went to class, practiced, and facebooked into the wee hours of the night, that was it. Don't get me wrong, I can live with that and can find joy in it, but you get bored and homesick after a while. If it wasn't for Zac, I would be borderline psych ward. The fact that my Bible was at home didn't help either.

I went home. I played in a parade and field show with the marching band and left around 11 o'clock with Zac. We stopped in Lincoln to see my grandparents at Bryan LGH and that was refreshing. My parents were coming but Zac and I beat them there. After passing by my grandpa's hospital room and realized how dumb we were I knocked on the door to see both of grandparents snoozing. My grandma had a somewhat delayed reaction. "Oh well hi Key...KEYGAN!" Hi Grandma. I came in and gave her a hug as my grandpa saw me. I shook his hand. I hadn't seen them in a month so it was nice to see their familiar faces and to see Grandpa up and alert like I've known him. He was watching college football.

We talked a while about school and college life in general. Soon after, my family showed up. Always nice to see them too. I gave everyone a hug and sat back down. We talked in the hospital room for about an hour. Wouldn't you know it 2 of my cousins and aunt walked in. Delighted, I jumped up and into Ben's arms. We're weird, we know. We hugged and went way overboard telling each other how much we had missed the other as he swung me around. Hi Carey. Hi Alyssa.

We left after a little while longer as Zac had his father turning 40 something. I had forgotten he had a family too. So we left and I took him to his grandparents. That night I was planning on going to the Norris high school musical "Beauty and the Beast." I met up with some old friends and hate dinner and we went. It was amazing! Not only the performance, but it was so incredibly nice and cooling to see all of them.

The next day I went to church, more familiar faces. I spent the day with some guys from the drumline and it was great. I feel so much better now. I also got my Bible back! I thank God every day for my awesome family and friends.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Delayed Gratification? We'll see...

In the past couple years there's been one thing it seems God has been keeping back from me. Something that I assumed was my fault, something I was doing wrong. I knew what it was and felt like as a consequence of something I was doing, He was holding it from me. A conversation with my youth pastor and his wife about it one night made it all clear though. It wasn't me, it's all in God's timing. For some reason, He hasn't revealed what he wants for me. They said to hang in there, when the time is right, He'll let you know.

Recently, it seems He may be doing just that. Some of you know what I'm talking about because I have told you. If you don't know feel free to ask. I don't want to get too ahead of myself but it just seems like God has been pointing a certain way; nudging me closer. Even so, I'm being cautious. Last time I rushed into it and it didn't turn out all that well. So some prayer on my part and yours would be awesome. I really hope God says yes on this.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Man vs. Wild (or something like that)

"Do people possess some inherent qualities that might make their lives have greater moral significance than the lives of other animals?"

My English professor wrote this on the board today in class. It was over some of the reading we were supposed to do but me being without a book to read it from, didn't complete the assignment. We were instructed to journal about it, once again, no book so no homework was done. The professor wanted us to break down the question to something simpler; to her it was too wordy. People interjected thoughts and she crossed stuff off and we eventually came to this question:

"Do people possess qualities that give them greater moral significance than animals?"

I sat and thought about and had wondered why I was thinking about it because the answer was so simple. "We're God's children; animals are not." After this the professor broke us into groups. In my group were 3 guys and me. I enjoyed the group. They were pretty cool guys. One of them had shot an arrow through his arm (yes through, he said he had to pull it out on his own) so we had talked about that for a little bit. Then we got down to what we actually were supposed to be doing.

Everyone in the group agreed that there is no way animals and humans are on the same scale. We said that their world and our world are 2 totally different things. Animals have no technology, no set of rules, and no morals. As humans we have everything they don't. However, if we were forced to live in their world; we wouldn't last very long. Our species has made the most adaptations out of any other because we have the intelligence to do so. We KNOW what is right and wrong.

Getting a little off subject, one of the guys said something about Adam and Eve. We talked about how we're all related somehow. Everyone in the world has descended from them. One guy said he thought we came from fish and was shot down abruptly. Another guy started talking, "See thats one thing I don't get," he looked up and lowered his voice, "where did black people come from?" A good question. One I can't answer.

Back to the animals against people discussion, something was said about death. Humans know what death is, animals don't. We know. They don't have the emotional feelings we do. If their parents die how do they react? Oh well. If our parents die we're upset, we're sad, well most of us, and much more emotional than animals are.

Also, sex was brought up. Animals just do it to reproduce. This is true for humans as well. However, sex is much more intimate for the married human couple. Well, should be married couple. Animals do not get married; cannot get married. They lack the understanding that we don't.

Overall good discussion. I enjoyed it and led me to think about things and dig a little deeper to things I just take for granted. Now all I need is a book...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alleviating the Ictus

I saw God's power yet again this past week. The space He lets Satan have to get into our lives and try to sabotage it is insane. Sometimes God gives him a lot or sometimes its just a little wiggle room but either way, he's there. It has seemed very apparent this past week. My classes started and auditions for select groups began. Along with a few other unexpected happenings.

Monday's classes were good. Boring, but still good. I can handle them easily. Tuesday is a little different. I have sight singing and ear training which isn't my favorite. I have Diction for singers which is difficult. It doesn't sound that hard, but it is going to challenge me. I also have a Expository writing that seems like it'll be somewhat overwhelming.

Piling onto that I had jazz band and Choraleers auditions. My jazz band audition could have gone better. I can play jazz and rock beats easily and pretty well, but the samba...something I haven't really practiced and am not skilled in that area. It kind of took me by surprise. My Choraleers audition actually went great, but I didn't get in for one reason or another. What's weird is that the guy that gave me the scholarship to come sing was the same guy who did my audition, and he didn't put me in. I was confused and frustrated.

On top of that my dad called me. My grandpa was working on the roof of my aunt and uncle's and he fell. He fractured 6 of his vertebrae, broke 3 ribs and punctured a lung. They said he'll be okay but it'll be a long, long recovery. So, if you could pray for him, that would be awesome. Thanks.

Oh, and I got a parking ticket because I didn't have a permit which I'd been waiting for the past 2 weeks in my mail. I found it in my desk the next day...

So last night I was feeling a bit down. Zac wasn't feeling good and my classes began to stress me out. I didn't make the groups I had expected myself to make. My grandpa was in the hospital and not doing the greatest. Time for some music I decided, so I brought up my iTunes and clicked on party shuffle. First song that came up was "Trust in You" by Jeremy Camp. It was a nice little reminder. God is so cool.

The next song that played was "Pressing On" by Relient K.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Tipsy Times have been Triggered

I had my first drunk encounter the other night. About 9:30ish my roommate and I and some people from our floor went to Jim John's. It was nice, some good food and fun conversation. We decided we wanted to go back to the dorms and watch Tommy Boy. So we began to watch it. One of the girls that was in the room wasn't there she was out partying. She came in about half way through with 2 guys, both drunk. You could smell it as they walked in.

"Oh what are we watching," said one of them.
"Tommy Boy, shut up."

They then managed to trip over me and barely get up to the beds they were going to lay down on. Eventually they got up on the lofts. Laughing and talking, someone finally told them to shut up again. They apologized and said they just wanted to be everyone's friend, again the response from the sobriety group was shut up. For about 5 minutes I forgot they were there, until a metal tray landed right on my shoulder. "I didn...didn't t-touch that."

Eventually they left, but some girls showed up talking about how the cops had busted a party and they had just ran back here. They smelled weird. Apparently alcohol and perfume don't mix all that well together.

Because of this I was not able to go to bed until around 2:30 and my roommate was out talking with one of the girls that ran back from the party. I fell asleep before he got back and I talked to him in the morning and he had said he got back around 3:00 but couldn't get to sleep right away. We woke up at 10:30 again. I felt great the next morning, but my shoulder was little sore.

Proverbs 20:1

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kicked Out of the Bird's Nest

Last night I realized the true power of God. I was sitting in my dorm and Zac and I were playing some PS2 and I was talking on facebook chat to some friends back home, and some that were leaving for college. Most of the kids I was talking to were from my church family back home. Zac and I were raised in an awesome community, and now it's gone. It happened in a few hours. I moved in and that was it. I'm on my own. It's like God is throwing me out on my own with only a few tools and seeing if I'll survive or not. All the friends, the awesome influences in the church community, and the regular attendance to services from my parents have disappeared.

Now it's up to me to fend for myself. I had always known that college would be different and a lot harder than high school, but not like this. I currently hang out with 3 guys I know for sure that don't drink. Three. As compared to my 30 to 40 back home. However I haven't been able to attend a church service in Kearney yet. Hopefully I can find some awesome kids here.

Another thing I have noticed here is how "desperate" some of the guys here are, and they're looking for one thing. It's not a relationship. For example, across the hall from me are 2 attractive girls and in the last hour there have been probably about 5 guys walk down the hall this way looking for them. Most of them don't say they're looking for them, but you can tell. Two guys came by at one point and were looking at their door and I said hey to them. They said, "oh well hi we're just walking around." I'm sure. By the way, our rooms are in the corners of our floor; one of the farthest spots from the floor lounge and elevators. My bed and desk are right by the door so I've been saying, "Yeah, they aren't here," too many times and am starting to get annoyed.

The last guy that came down here I said, "Yeah hey those girls aren't here they went out." He said, "oh well I wasn't looking for them what are you guys up to?" "Yeah okay, oh hey they aren't here." He left.

Right now I'm just praying that I find a group of non partying people, that know how to have fun. Real fun. The kind of fun that makes you smile because of the sole fact that there is a God. Getting hammered and waking up somewhere new every morning isn't fun. This is the "healthy lifestyle living" floor but so far it doesn't seem that much healthy living is taking place.

Pray for Zac and I please. We'll need it. Hopefully this is just back to school hype with the partying and drinking and everything. Then again...I'm not so sure.

1 Peter 5:10

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Genesis of College Life

Well it has been QUITE a while since my last post. I've been busy with college. I moved into my dorm at UNK on the 14th. Drumline camp started 8:30 the next day. We had auditions. Turned out to be 6 snares, 3 tenors, 5 basses, and 2 cymbals. I managed to make it on the snare line.

But I wasn't very worried about this audition. It turned out the way I thought it would. However, the one audition I'm getting more and more freakin' excited for is Troopers. In less than 4 months I will be in Casper, auditioning for the Troopers drum and bugle corps snare line and I am pumped.

I tried for Colts last January but unfortunately wasn't able to make the line there. However I was able to make it into the top 15 snares out of 40 and lately everything just seems to be clicking. Its awesome! I can play through the Colts opener easily now! This year in DCI the Colts drumline placed 15th overall. The instructor there told me to keep practicing hard and by next year they'd have a spot for me. However, Troopers seems to be more my style. Titled drums, the use of arm, etc. I feel like if were to go audition at Colts now I'd be on the borderline of making it, and I've still got a few months left to practice. Oh also, Troopers drumline placed 16th this year in DCI.

Now to go off on a complete tangent, when we were still on Esprit tour, I made a comment the last night at the hotel. I said that the song "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" was hard for me to believe because I have all these awesome people around me that are walking with me. Carey told me that I'd better start believing it because I'm headed off to college soon and she was right.

I went from about 50 awesome christian kids from Esprit to FOOT and now I'm down to maybe 2 or 3. I keep thanking God that he let Zac come to UNK because it has helped me out a lot. To know that I'm not completely alone in my faith is very reassuring, and the other girl I probably just creep out. Hopefully when the rest of the students move in I'll find a group of really good kids.

Sunday I did not go to church, due to sleep deprivation and an unknown location of Kearney Berean, but I do plan on going next week, with Zac.

2 Corinthians 6:14

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Recently I travelled to UNK for a drumline camp. It was for high school kids but Schnoor (UNK band director) said he’d like it if some incoming freshman came. Along with me there were 3 incoming and all were good. However the camp was boring. Tap and accents was all it really seemed to be, on top of that most of the kids weren’t very good. I’m sorry but they just couldn’t play, which was good that they were at the camp, but for how easy everything was I thought it should be very clean. There were 18 snares and of course nothing can be THAT clean but for the stuff we were playing it seemed like it should be.

I was so thankful that the other incoming freshman were good, and certainly capable of much more than the music at the camp. They had UNK drumline guys there and when one of them gave us a break to work on some music 2 of the freshman and I played through it and it was very refreshing to play something clean. I was thankful that out of the 18 person snare line that 2 were capable of playing well with each other and someone else.

It also made me thankful of the instructors I’ve had. Heath and Dan have been great. They gave me the tools to become good and now confindently trying out for drum and bugle corps. Most of the kids hadn’t had an instructor, ever. They just had there band director and unless he or she has been on a drumline, he or she doesn’t know much. The “clinician” there was Chad Scharf, he is the band director out at Lexington and is also a drummer. I had someone tell me once that, “No offense, but I don’t think that a drummer would be a very good band director because all he knows is percussion.” Not true, even at the drumline camp Chad would talk of some very musical ideas. Besides no matter what kind of music educator you want to be you take all the classes a woodwind or brass player would. I nearly tested out of Theory 1 at UNK, and I drum and sing.

And in case you haven’t seen Lexington’s band, they’re good. I saw them at Harvest of Harmony last year and they were among the best, not bad for a drummer, and its not just the drumline, of course I’m biased but the brass and woodwinds were quite exceptional. Hopefully I can become as talented as Chad Scharf has in instructing a high school drumline AND band.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Esprit de Corps! Kickin' it!

This Friday I am leaving on tour with Esprit, an absolutely amazing singing/drama team based out of Berean Church in Lincoln, and I am sooooooooo excited.

We will be traveling around the middle part of Nebraska and then we drive down and perform in St. Louis for a couple days. I'm so eager to just spend time with all the AWESOME kids involved in this ministry and the time in devotions with God. I plan on growing in many, many ways.

All of the kids in Esprit are in high school or recently just graduated (like me), and you're normal high school kids may be stereotypical and judgemental. These kids are not, it's so nice to be with a group of people that are so accepting and understanding of you. The only thing wrong with it is I haven't done in the past few years. My aunt does all the music stuff, so it's not like I just didn't know. If I would have known that it would be a part of such a dedicated, motivated, and talented group I would have done it the past couple years.

I would have to say that singing wise, this is the best group I've ever been a part of. Sure, I've been in high school choir and we did have some pretty talented groups, but this is insane! Usually in your normal high school choirs you have certain kids who just cannot sing. That's not an issue in Esprit. EVERYONE can sing and are able to at a high level.

Now during the school year I sang bass in choir. When I came to try out for Esprit my aunt Carey agreed with me that I was more of a baritone. She said she did not care what I sang. First rehearsal came along and I tried my luck at tenor, I had sang tenor my first 2.5 years in high school and I forgot how cool it was. But there was something else I found interesting...

If anything I'm a low tenor, I've never been known for a high range and being able to wail way up there and tear it up as some tenors do, but as I've been singing tenor with Esprit I've learned that when I don't think about the notes and just worship, I can hit any note I want. It's not an issue at all. In our closer, Make Some Noyz, the opening statement starts high immediately. It's unison with the girls and is in the range of high C to high G and I have absolutely no problem if I just let it rip and worship the Lord. It feels so good!

So, that's it for a while. I'll be on tour, hanging out and praising for a whole week. I am so pumped! See you on the 12th!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Pianist

The man came in and asked to look at some pianos; he was a pianist and said he need to invest in a new instrument for himself. The employee took him over to wear they hung. There were 5 of them. The man smiled and began to look.

Now the employee stepped back and looked as the man picked out a piano, now the employee was also the piano teacher in the store. He watched the man run his hands over the keys. The man turned around, "Do you mind?"

The employee replied, "No go right ahead." The man began to play. Although the man was very good the teacher couldn't help but notice that his wrists were very high up from the piano and it seemed as though his fingers were straight, it wasn't drastic but it could be fixed.

"Excuse me, sir," said the teacher,"could I offer you some advice?"
"Oh well yeah sure I guess," the man looked a little confused.
"Well I teach piano and have played for about 20 years now and I can suggest maybe moving you wrists down closer to the piano and curving your fingers a bit more," said the teacher.
"Oh, ok well thanks."

He continued to play some more and the teacher was surprised how well he caught onto his instruction. The man stopped suddenly and said, "I'd like this one please." The teacher nodded and put a "SOLD" sticker over the price tag. He took the man up front to pay. He stepped behind the counter and said, "That'll be $7,355.09." The man nodded and took out his checkbook and wrote a check for the whole amount. The teacher was impressed, he was rich but still could practice. Talent doesn't come from money, he thought.

"Thank you, sir," he said as the man handed him the check. He left quickly. Confused, the teacher looked down at the check. He was curious as to who this man was, he hadn't seen him around. He could barely make out the signature. It was signed, "Duke Ellington."

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who wants to be popular!?

Being popular. Something that came across to me as a good quality to have, when I was in middle school. As I finished high school I realized, ya know being popular isn't how I remember it and now not as desirable. Back then, my perception of being popular was knowing everyone, getting along with them well, and hanging out occasionally.

After 6th grade I noticed that all the popular boys had girlfriends, and I thought I wanted a girlfriend too. Coming into the 7th grade I decided I was going to be popular. I tried my best, despite the fact of how shy I really was. My first breakthrough came in math class.

I had always been good at math and the teacher explained everything pretty well and gave us time in class to work. Naturally I was among the first kids done. The girl in front of me (we'll refer to her as Jane, to protect her anonymity :P) finished early as well. Now Jane was very popular and recently broken up with a boyfriend of hers. How I knew, I don't know. Those things in middle school just fall into your lap whether you wanted to know or not. Anyways she turned around.

"You're done too?"
Dumbfounded, I managed to say, "Oh...uhm...yeah I guess so."
"Wanna play tic-tac-toe?"
"Uh yeah sure."

We played for the rest of the class which was about 10 minutes and this happened repeatedly every other day for a month or so. The whole time Jane was very nice and fun to play with; however she was popular and I was not. Eventually she got another boyfriend. Life went on, and I was still unpopular, but I was close. As I entered high school it was still on my mind. I wanted to be one of the "top dogs" of my class, along with the preps and jocks, but then I got involved in 2 things called drumline and youth group.

For the first time I saw kids that weren't popular not care about it. They loved band and church and didn't care if people thought it was stupid. They enjoyed themselves and the activity. The school year began and they became my best friends. I clung onto them because I had realized being popular doesn't mean anything! We weren't popular and we didn't care! We loved to drum, love the Lord and be with each other. Why do we need to be popular?

I'm glad I never wanted to be popular after that. It seems my definitions of the term have changed from 8th grade until now. It seems being popular in high school consists of how many beers you can drink before you pass out, how many cops you can outrun while you are intoxicated, how many times you have sex on the weekend, and if they are all different people. I thank the drumline and youth group for teaming up and kicking the popularity idea out of my head as a freshman. Who knows, I could be smoking pot trying to get over my hangover now, but it'd be worth it. I'd be popular, right?

I haven't talked to Jane in 6 months, she stayed popular and I stayed unpopular and really only talked that one time 6 months ago on the phone, in high school. I got involved with my music and she got involved with other things. My youth pastor once said to us, "Being a christian isn't popular." It's very true, and every time I feel the urge to be, for some strange reason, I always remember that and what a worldly word "popular" really is.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Recognition and Reward

I began drumming in 5th grade. Along with me there were 9 others. At first I loved it and thought it was the coolest thing ever, as I began having to practice I began to enjoy it less, but I still planned on doing this throughout my whole life. My parents always bugged me about practicing so I could get a good grade. In 5th grade I was required to practice an hour a week which now is nothing I usually practice an hour a day. During the summer it's usually more. I think the problem was I really had no reason to practice because I was never rewarded for anything I had done. I wanted something in return for it. I wanted the recognition for my work I put into it. I remember the other kids bragging about how they just put down a number and there parents would sign it apathetically. If I did that my parents would use the guilt trip of, "did you really practice that much?" or "Are you sure about that?" I didn't have the luxury of having stupid parents.

However in the 8th grade my practicing seemed to pay off. At our last band concert our director pulled out a Dixieland piece. He was going to have a combo play up front consisting of 2 trumpets, a trombone, an alto saxophone, a tenor saxophone, a tuba, and drum set. I wanted it. Now in between 6th and 7th grade years a lot of people had quit or moved away, in fact there were only 4 of us left. Luckily for me I had been the only who had taken set lessons. However 2 of the 3 others could play, or at least said they could.

I auditioned first and did pretty decent; only 1 of the other drummers tried out. He went after me and could barely plunk it out. Our director asked him if he really wanted to do it. He replied, "No, not really." The director looked at me and said, "Keygan you'll play set." I was excited.

But the recognition didn't come until after the concert. Our combo brought the house down, well as far as 8th graders can bring it down. The parents were thrilled and I had a certain member of the high school drumline come up to me afterwards. Then and there was when I had really felt I was rewarded.

He said, "Hi, my name's Derek and I play snare on the drumline and I just wanna say great job up there on set tonight and I'm really lookin' forward to playing on the line with you next year." I smiled. "Awesome thanks." We shook hands.

My reward and recognition I had wanted finally came, but it took 3 long years. Now I'm not so concerned with all that stuff. Just playing is good enough for me. Instead of not wanting to practice, I look forward to my practice time now, and it has paid off let me tell you.

In January I auditioned for the Colts Drum and Bugle Corps snare line. I was murdered but I still was the first from our drumline to try out for a corps. Also I had been emailing the UNK centerstick about music and stuff for next year. I was trying to pry some useful information out of him about what exactly I had to do if I wanted to be on snare. He told me not to worry, I asked why and this is what he said.

"Keygan, everyone is excited you're coming out here next year, Schnoor (UNK's band director) especially. He told us that he regards you as having some of the best hands in the state. I don't think you'll have to worry about what drum you want to play. If you want snare, you'll get it."

That made me jump. Not even because it was a great compliment from someone high up, but because the last time Schnoor saw me play was the summer before my senior year, and since then I've gotten so much better. For example (I'm about to go into drumspeak I'm sorry), my diddles were fine but all of my flammed rudiments were terrible then. I have improved upon those immensely, now I find myself combining rudiments together. I'd expand upon that more but unless you play drums I will lose you. If you really want to know, email me.

Senior year is a time for recogntion and reward as I found out. However I have learned not to dwell among them because if that is allowed to happen you don't improve upon your ablities, and I for one want to be known for my ability but more importantly my hard work put into practice time. That makes everything worth it in the end.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


For those of you that do not know me, my name is Keygan. A little unconventional name and spelling I know, but I love it. It's unique. I still have yet to meet someone with the same spelling. I'm 18 years old and graduated from Beatrice High School in May.

I'm big into music. I was centerstick of our drumline the last 2 years. In my 4 years on the line our winter group has managed to win 4 state championships. I have received a superior rating in District Music Contest 2 times. Once for a marimba piece my dad arranged and another for a marching snare piece arranged by yours truly. I was also a member for 3 years in the show choir "Limited Edition." Along with these 2 groups I was involved in concert band and concert choir.

My senior year was great. I was captain of the drumline and we won our 4th title in 4 years, and our show choir had its highest finish ever at GI show choir invitational. Coincedinately enough we were 4th runner up. At Distric Music Contest I received an excellent on my voice solo and a superior on my snare solo entitled IV.

Next fall I am attending University of Nebraska-Kearney. I will be majoring in music education and am very very excited for it. I like the professors and they seem to like me, so it's all good. I will be most definitely rockin' out on the drumline, hopefully on snare. Also next fall I plan to try out for the Troopers Drum and Bugle Corps snare line. That's one thing I forgot to mention. I am a huge fan of DCI, my favorite corps is Santa Clara Vanguard. I would LOVE to play on the drumline there someday, but right now it's not lookin' like it will necessarily happen. I am going to continue praying about it.

As a transition into this next paragraph the last sentence does indeed mean I am a christian. I invited Christ into my life at the young age of 3 years. My dad is the creative arts pastor at a local church at here in town. He's very talented at what he does and does it well and for the Lord. My mom blogs pretty insanely and has somewhat inspired me to start my own. She also is very active in bible studies and hosts one at our house every Wednesday. Like my dad she enjoys what she does and is fairly good at it.

Denomination? No, not for me. I am christian, period. I do my best to obey the Bible, that's it. I was never confirmed, was not baptized as a baby, and never participated in lent. None of those things are in the Bible, therefore are not required to enter Heaven. Wouldn't it make sense that if they were they'd be in the Bible?

Basically I've decided to start this because I always have too many thoughts flying around in my head. They stress me out and with college coming up...I feel this will help relieve some of the stress. So tune back in to read about my accomplishments, frustrations, happenings, and anxiety as I push on through life.