Sunday, March 29, 2009

If God is Love, then...

Last night, Zac and I got into kind of a deep conversation. We had been out at the Shanno's just hanging out and our way back stopped at McDonald's for some cheeseburgers. My roommate was asleep 'cause he had a track meet today so we just chilled in Zac's room. I don't think we were looking to have a deep conversation; it just kind of happened. At different points, we both were teary-eyed.

We had been talking about girls and love and such. I'm sure what I'm about to say, if read by many, is going to cause TONS of controversy. We had been talking about friends of ours that were in relationships in where God wasn't number one. For the past few months, I have been a bit disturbed by non christian couples that say they love each other, and I really had no idea why, but realized it last night.

If God is Love, then how on earth can you say you love someone if you don't know God? I don't think you can truly understand love if you don't know God and are not pursuing a positive relationship with Him. Non believers have never truly felt the emotion and feeling of love.

Like I said, controversial. I'm sure I'm being "intolerant" and "close-minded" to many people, but I'd rather be on good terms with God than anyone else. I really believe what I just said. If you don't know God, you don't know love, no matter how much you say you do. Some of the most genuine couples I've seen are my parents. They really do love each other, because they both know God and have positive relationships with Him. I've also noticed this with their friends that are the same. One specific couple sticks out in my mind. They're a lot like my parents. They have 4 kids and it's obvious that they do just genuinely love each other because they know God.

There it is. Take what you will.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Funny One

So this a quick little post. I've been failing a bit with my devotions and quiet times and finally got back to it today and was VERY glad that I did.

If you talked to me at all in the past few months I may have told you about this girl I have known. We've been getting know each other better and such, but a couple weeks ago realized we weren't hearing God the same, however I told her I appreciated her honesty in the matter. Today, I was reading in Proverbs and read kind of a funny verse.

"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips."
-Proverbs 24:26

I laughed. Who says God isn't funny!?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Because God told me so...

Have you ever had someone tell you, "because God told me?" This is usually said among christians about a various number of things. For example, where there are going to college, or why they're dating a certain person, or when they're going to give their testimony, or many other things.

But have you ever thought how easy it is to use, "because God told me" as an excuse!? Especially among your christian friends who will accept the idea. I came to this realization the other night, laying awake in bed. I had recently been told this, in different form, but the same concept nonetheless. However, I really did believe my friend in that what they were saying was what they received from God. But just think for a second how easy that would be to use to justify decisions. It could be a phrase simply used to get someone off of your back.

There have not been very many things I can say that I've felt God tell me to do. The only thing I am certain about is God's wanting me to be involved with music and worship. Whether that be writing songs or just playing, I need to worship Him with the gift He has given me. I feel He definitely has revealed where He wants me to be. Which is Lincoln. It has a more challenging music system, it's closer to home, it has many christian friends of mine, and the real clincher I discovered this weekend was the staff at UNL informed me of a new program they are starting which is music composition and education put together. It is exactly what I want to do. Write music and teach it.

I noticed then when I came to see what He had for me, I was doing well with my walk with Him. In John 8:47 it says, "He who is of God hears God's words." It checks out.

The friend I mentioned earlier had a different take on the situation than I. Looking back I can say that I wasn't right where I should have been with God, so I don't think I was hearing Him correctly. Now, before I even try to hear what God has for me; I make sure that I am right with Him and am completely humbled before our Lord.

Just a suggestion and something to think about.