Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it has been 2009 for a couple hours now. I have made a few resolutions, just like everyone else. I intend to keep them as well.


I never really exercised a whole lot on my own after gym class. I've decided I'm going to work out/run at least two or three times a week. Nothing wrong with being healthy, and you gotta have some kind of cheesy cliche on the top of your resolution list.


I do read my Bible, but not quite as often as I should. I plan to read every day at least once if not twice. I got some big decisions headed my way. If I want to make the right choices, reading the Bible is a great place to look. I also have some friends that occasionally will ask me for advice. How am I supposed to help them if I don't have at least a small amount of wisdom?


I know my roommate will love this one. I've been known for being a bit loud. I admit, sometimes it is a bit over the top. I actually read about it today, in my Bible. I have a good start on my 2nd resolution already. I was reading in 1 Thessalonians, in chapter 4 verse 11 it says, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life..." I figure it should be something I need to look into doing.

So there are my resolutions for 2009. Basically, I'm going to stay healthy physically and spiritually, and by being healthy and fit in both I will be healthy emotionally as well. Kind of confusing, but it's not, trust me. Here's an equation:

{{Healthy Physically + Healthy Spiritually = Healthy Emotionally}}

Happy 2009!

Friday, December 19, 2008


I am in a weird mood. I'm happy, yet I'm not, and I know why. Unfortunately, I don't want to share it at this point. Let's just say that, God brought something awesome into my life, and is putting it on hold it seems. It's for the better, but I want it now. There a few things in my life right now that aren't what they should be. I believe that God is wanting me to take care of those things before he "gives" me what I want.

I don't necessarily see myself as a patient person, I guess tolerant would be a better word for it. I can stand a lot of things. I may not like it, but I can tolerate it. For instance, on our missions trip to Mississippi the kids would hang all over you. Not particularly my favorite, but I could tolerate it and it was good for them. I never got angry, but patience is something I think God will be teaching me these next 8 or 9 months. Which is good, usually if I want it, I'll rush into it and BAM! It doesn't always turn out the way I'd like. If you have any idea what I'm talking about, or if you think you have an idea, this may confirm it:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does no envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."
-1 Corinthians 13:4

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Interim Deity

Life's hardships happen to come along,
Like losing a job or a family member.
All of sudden we know where to go,
We randomly remember.

As soon as He helps us out
We push Him back out the door.
Why wouldn't we do just that?
He is not a need anymore.

Humans know how to run our lives.
It's only the best if it's run by us.
We don't need Him any longer;
It's simply not a must.

We feel mighty proud of ourselves,
Kicking Him out on a whim.
We're the powerful ones here
And we don't need Him!

Mark 7:6