Monday, December 14, 2009

Acquiring the Confidence

It occurred to me the other day that the semester is nearly over and I haven't posted a new blog in freaking FOREVER! So I hope this helps all of you who I know had withdrawal of this over the past few months.

Not gonna lie, it has been a pretty rough first semester here at UNL. The only thing I seemingly haven't struggled with is my composition lessons. Which is great considering that's my major, however, I need to get my stuff together next semester.

In case you don't know, I really am a shy and quiet kid at heart. When I was younger, I didn't talk a lot and still have my moments now when I won't because I feel uncomfortable somehow. Now, once I get to know you and become pretty good friends I will REALLY open up, as some of you know. But one thing I've definitely been learning is to be confident in everything you do. To have the courage to be firm and just do things, and do them well. This first came up with drumline, but I've noticed how important it is just to be successful in general. I'm learning to quit being so wishy-washy and just get in there and do it.

Also, my relationship with Christ has been somewhat lacking, just with me being so stressed. No excuse, I know, but it's just been tough. I still managed to open my Bible every couple days, but I could still give more of an effort.

So next semester, I'm hoping to hit the ground running in all aspects. I won't have marching band, so that'll help somewhat, but I'll miss it. There's your update of me. Hope it was what you wanted.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Monday, October 5, 2009

Status Stupidity

So, I'm on facebook quite often. Much more than needed, but I'm usually have Finale up working on something or other and just have it up if someone wants to chat. However, some statuses have really started to annoy me lately. So much in fact, that I've hidden certain people from my news feed and even more have removed some as friends. With that said, here's a list.

Things No One Wants to See on Your Status Update
  • Homework Assignments: Chances are someone else has more than you and will comment about it so you know.
  • Things That Don't Make Any Sense: Seriously, if you're going to put something with your name on it, at least make it somewhat sensible to someone out there.
  • What Day of the Week It Is: Everyone knows.
  • Inspirational Quotes That Suck/Were Written by You: As much as I appreciate you flaunting yourself around like Socrates and showing everyone how "deep" you really are, stop it.
  • Feelings Towards Your Significant Other: I don't mind the occasional "my gf/bf is awesome," but once you start posting "LOVES HIM/HER SOOOO MUCH," or "wouldn't know where he'd/she'd be without you babe," it gets really old, really fast. We get that you like each other. Please stop screaming it at us.
  • Status Hijackings Concerning Victim's Sexuality: Ok, changing your friend's status to " so gay (among various other homosexual things)," makes it absolutely completely obvious that someone messed with it. What is actually comical is when you can change it to something that makes friends laugh at the victim, but still makes them think they posted it.
I hope this was at least somewhat informational concerning my feelings on these topics. Just know that if you do post something within these criterion, you will be subject to being hidden and/or possibly even removal all together. Have a good week.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Transfer Tension

I'm in the middle of week 4 at UNL. I wish I could say the transfer went amazingly, but it didn't. The past couple weeks I've been feeling stressed. Everything is a lot more intense, which is great, but has so far been a bit overwhelming. I feel like I'm forgetting something every other day. For instance, yesterday I missed our first composition departmental meeting. Not something you want to miss as I was informed of today at my lesson. I think I'm finally kicking things into high gear though and getting used to the pace.

I've also noticed how much I compare myself to others. Other guys on the drumline, in the percussion studio, in my classes, and music majors. I am terrified of not measuring up, not being legit, and turning into a fold. Terrified. This is a new experience for me, and thankfully I seem to be adjusting. And really, I shouldn't be concerned about that at all. As long as I'm doing what is asked of me by God, which I believe I am 100 percent.

I can't help but notice now, that over the past few weeks, I haven't been where I should have been with God. Devotions are quite rare and church is iffy. Finally today, I made the time to sit down, read my Bible and listen to some Casting Crowns. I said a short prayer before that God would show me what He wants of me. I clicked on my iTunes and opened up my Bible. I opened up to where my bookmark was. The first thing I read was:

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
-Proverbs 16:3

It's nice to know that the only One I'm seeking approval of isn't concerned of how good of a snare drummer I am, or how fast I can play my scales on a marimba. As long as I am doing everything for Him; I will be fine. God is so amazing.

If you'd pray for me, that I'd stay on the track I've gotten back on with everything, that'd be great. That I'd stay on top of my classes, lessons, assignments, practicing, and most importantly with God.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drummin' for the Huskers

It has been far too long since I posted anything on here, so hopefully this somewhat satisfies you.

Well, as of August 15th, I made the snare line at UNL, and it has been awesome. It's hardcore and I love it. Our center snare marched Phantom over the summer, so naturally he wants things very clean and intense. This is easier said than done, but I feel we keep getting better as the season goes on.

Yesterday, we had our first game, and it was incredible. I've been a die hard Husker football fan since I can remember, and actually being there on the field doing what I love to do was such an amazing feeling. Being surrounded by The Sea of Red was so sweet, and I get to do it at least 7 more times!

If you're ever bored in Lincoln on game day, you should come check out the line. We usually warm up and hour and a half before kickoff outside of Arch Hall. It's a good time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Trusting Him to Provide

We've all heard the phrase that goes something like, "Trust in God and He will provide for you." I've taken this for granted, yet today, I realized how much He really does take care of me.

Friday, a few friends and I went and got fireworks, the 4th of July on Saturday, and we decided to hang out and light some fireworks, have some fun. When we got the stand we had a tough time deciding what we wanted. So we had the idea that everyone had to get one (within reason) that began with the same letter of their name. For example, I got "Killer Bees."

I looked at my friend Troy and asked if he was paying and he said yeah, but I wanted to pitch in. I had a 20 dollar bill so I told him I would pay then he could give me a few bucks, whatever. The total turned out to be 9 dollars, or something like that. Troy gave me a 5 and the lady working the register only handed me a dollar. I didn't notice until later that night. We were gonna go out to eat and instead of having the 16 dollars I thought I had, I had 10 less.

Now, really, it wasn't that big of a deal. The lady shorted me 10 bucks, not a lot to some, but for me, thats a meal and a half. I brushed it off, moved on and wasn't gonna let it ruin the time I had with my friends, but it was one of those things where you go "Ugh, if I only still had those 10 dollars." But I got my mind off of it and didn't worry about it.

Sunday was an amazing day of worship for me. From singing, to having great conversation, to serving food, it was great. I really did truly believe that God was there for me and was going to provide for me.

And then last night, when I got home I was talking to my parents and sister about the Esprit concert among other things. Finally, my parents asked us what we had planned for the week. We mow a lawn of some friends of ours. I usually don't, I let my younger siblings do it because they want to, it's a paying gig, but then my mom turned to me and said, "Keygan, will you do it?" I said yes, not because I knew God was doing what He promised, but just because I didn't have anything else to do.

This morning, mowing, it hit me. He provided for me something that wasn't even that big of a deal. A measely 10 dollars, He changed into 15 and gave to me. Thanks God.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Manhunt: Strength

13Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 14Do everything in love.
-1 Corinthians 16:13, 14

I had remembered reading around this area with one of Pastor Jack's sermons and decided to look into it more and I found this verse. This is the first of two letters that Paul writes to the church of Corinth, and this verse is found towards the end.

Now, about half of what Paul says here goes with the world's view of a "man," and the last two words of the first verse are fairly universal when talking about men. It's simply put, "be strong."

The typical worldview of a man is physically strong. Ask virtually anyone what their definition of a man is, and most would answer with strong, but there's mental, emotional, and of course physical forms of strength. Physical seems to be the most apparent in men, and the world presses this one the most. Along with that, emotions are seen as a weakness, and even being mentally strong is viewed as a weakness. With God, this is not the case, thankfully.

Physically, I'm not as strong as a good amount of people. However, Solomon says in the book of Proverbs that "A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength." This is a good reassurance that men don't necessarily HAVE to be able to bench tons of weight, but it also shows that God looks at more than the physical side.

And I don't know about you, but I've seen plenty of very physically strong guys, but haven't seen many that are also mentally and especially emotionally strong. I'm tired of seeing guys break up with a girlfriend and their whole world falls apart. I can understand why they're upset, but when something like that happens it's obvious to see who they were really living for, and it wasn't who it should have been.

The last part of the verse from 1 Corinthians is convicting for me: "Do everything in love." I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Think about it, doing EVERYTHING in love. Not just when you remember to do so. Absolutely 100% of what you do should be done in love. I'm not the best at making sure what I do is out of love. I like to think I'm good at it, but I'm really not.

1) A man of God is strong and does everything in love.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Manhunt: Intro

My next few series of posts are going to be a way of keeping myself accountable in reading and studying my Bible, but also to educate myself in something that I believe has been distorted. I'm going to be studying what God's definition of a "man" is.

The world's view seems so messed up to me and at times, I'm not sure what a righteous man of God actually is. This will help me stay level headed and be the man that God wants me to be.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Farewell to UNK

Lately, since I've been back people have asked me why I didn't like it UNK very much, and why I'm transferring. I'll try to be somewhat nice but this is basically why it wasn't that great of an experience for me.

The students. Plain and simple. And I'm not saying every single one, they were a handful that I miss from there, of guys that I did actually enjoy spending time with, and I'm fairly sure they know who they are.

First of all, I'm sure you've heard the old quote "You can't spell drunk without UNK." Sadly, I found this to be true, and if you know me, you know that I definitely am not into that stuff. And yes, most college campuses have quite a bit of alcohol, but nevertheless, this was bad.

Secondly, I really did like the faculty, they knew what they were doing and I held them in very high regard. However, most of the students didn't respect them very much. Kids who don't even have Bachelor's or even Associate's degrees would openly make fun of professors, with doctorates. Which is absolutely ridiculous...

Thirdly, a lot of students assume that since they're music majors in a good Division II school, they're very good at what they do. You can always practice something, you are NEVER going to reach a day when you have nothing to practice because you're just that good. There's always something new to work on. Given, a few kids are extremely good at what they do, I could give you a few examples.
*On a small side note, I'd like to tell everyone how annoying I find when someone is irritated by a scale being played up to the 7th degree. "It has to resolve!" No, it doesn't. Get over it.

Lastly (this one may be a bit nasty), the student leadership was terrible. Coming in knowing that the drumline wasn't particularly good, I knew I'd be on snare. I'm not trying to be arrogant here, but only a couple other guys on the line could hang with me, and they were freshmen too. Instead of the "instructor" encouraging us, he dumbed us down, and praised the kids that weren't very good. I have no idea what his problem was. He tried to bring down the best players on the line and make the worst feel like they were carrying the group. This was incredibly frustrating to me as I, and these other 2 freshmen, practice the most out of anyone else on the line past, present, and future. I didn't want to be praised, but definitely didn't want to be made fun of because of the skills I've learned by practicing and working hard because I want to be very good at what I do, and to see the leader tell someone, who wasn't putting nearly enough time in as I was, that they were really good made me extremely angry.

In a drumline, especially as the instructor, you cannot afford to cause conflict, much less enjoy to do it. Sure, the guy that was doing this won't be there next semester, but I can sadly see signs of the upcoming section leader acting and doing the same things.

Wow, pretty sure I'm done with that, like completely. I have UNL drumline minicamp at the end of the month and I've been practicing at least a few hours a day. I'm ecstatic to play with some guys way better than me. Wish me luck.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

If God is Love, then...

Last night, Zac and I got into kind of a deep conversation. We had been out at the Shanno's just hanging out and our way back stopped at McDonald's for some cheeseburgers. My roommate was asleep 'cause he had a track meet today so we just chilled in Zac's room. I don't think we were looking to have a deep conversation; it just kind of happened. At different points, we both were teary-eyed.

We had been talking about girls and love and such. I'm sure what I'm about to say, if read by many, is going to cause TONS of controversy. We had been talking about friends of ours that were in relationships in where God wasn't number one. For the past few months, I have been a bit disturbed by non christian couples that say they love each other, and I really had no idea why, but realized it last night.

If God is Love, then how on earth can you say you love someone if you don't know God? I don't think you can truly understand love if you don't know God and are not pursuing a positive relationship with Him. Non believers have never truly felt the emotion and feeling of love.

Like I said, controversial. I'm sure I'm being "intolerant" and "close-minded" to many people, but I'd rather be on good terms with God than anyone else. I really believe what I just said. If you don't know God, you don't know love, no matter how much you say you do. Some of the most genuine couples I've seen are my parents. They really do love each other, because they both know God and have positive relationships with Him. I've also noticed this with their friends that are the same. One specific couple sticks out in my mind. They're a lot like my parents. They have 4 kids and it's obvious that they do just genuinely love each other because they know God.

There it is. Take what you will.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Funny One

So this a quick little post. I've been failing a bit with my devotions and quiet times and finally got back to it today and was VERY glad that I did.

If you talked to me at all in the past few months I may have told you about this girl I have known. We've been getting know each other better and such, but a couple weeks ago realized we weren't hearing God the same, however I told her I appreciated her honesty in the matter. Today, I was reading in Proverbs and read kind of a funny verse.

"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips."
-Proverbs 24:26

I laughed. Who says God isn't funny!?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Because God told me so...

Have you ever had someone tell you, "because God told me?" This is usually said among christians about a various number of things. For example, where there are going to college, or why they're dating a certain person, or when they're going to give their testimony, or many other things.

But have you ever thought how easy it is to use, "because God told me" as an excuse!? Especially among your christian friends who will accept the idea. I came to this realization the other night, laying awake in bed. I had recently been told this, in different form, but the same concept nonetheless. However, I really did believe my friend in that what they were saying was what they received from God. But just think for a second how easy that would be to use to justify decisions. It could be a phrase simply used to get someone off of your back.

There have not been very many things I can say that I've felt God tell me to do. The only thing I am certain about is God's wanting me to be involved with music and worship. Whether that be writing songs or just playing, I need to worship Him with the gift He has given me. I feel He definitely has revealed where He wants me to be. Which is Lincoln. It has a more challenging music system, it's closer to home, it has many christian friends of mine, and the real clincher I discovered this weekend was the staff at UNL informed me of a new program they are starting which is music composition and education put together. It is exactly what I want to do. Write music and teach it.

I noticed then when I came to see what He had for me, I was doing well with my walk with Him. In John 8:47 it says, "He who is of God hears God's words." It checks out.

The friend I mentioned earlier had a different take on the situation than I. Looking back I can say that I wasn't right where I should have been with God, so I don't think I was hearing Him correctly. Now, before I even try to hear what God has for me; I make sure that I am right with Him and am completely humbled before our Lord.

Just a suggestion and something to think about.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Get Rich Quick

I saw something a bit disheartening the other night. A friend of mine asked me if I'd be interested in earning some extra money by doing some social networking stuff. Since I am in the need of some currency I decided well...I can at least check it out, so I did.

The meeting was at Ramada Inn and I wore jeans. I was a bit under dressed, but she said it was okay. We went into the meeting room where the guest speaker introduced himself and began to explain the whole thing. First impression was: "This is scam. No way anyone can make as much money as he's saying he did." It cost $175 to get going and you had to attend a conference about it in Nashville or Minneapolis, and they don't pay for those, but the business will in a couple months, sure. However, as he continued talking some of it did actually did make sense.

He first talked about how we have been "brain washed" in that we need to go to school to get a good job and do that for the rest of our lives when we can actually survive using this networking thing and earn a lot more extra cash by doing it. He worked at IBM for 20 years and apparently hated every minute of it. Since he got into this business he quit his job, doesn't wake up until 11, and takes vacations every 2 weeks.

He could tell I wasn't impressed by what he was doing with his money and as he was going through all the "glorious" things you can do with money, stopped by me and said "Or you could even give your pastor or church $20,000. Wouldn't he love that?!" I nodded, just to get him away from me because he had a creepy smile.

Basically this guy said, "Quit school or your job, do this, you'll make tons of money and barely have to do anything for it." Sounds easy right? Too easy, I'd feel so lazy if I did that. Imagine getting up at 11:00 AM every day and taking vacations every 2 weeks; what could you possibly get done? He also told he gets done every day around 3:00 PM.

I'm not trying to bash on the people that are interested in this and have gotten started with it. I can't say that everyone that has gone through that has not used their money very wisely, but I can say that I don't think I'd really want all that money. I'd have no idea what to do with it. I'd march drum corps and buy some gaming systems. That'd probably be the extent of it.

I left the meeting with a CD to give me more info about it. I threw it away. I got a call from someone about getting everything set up. I told him I wasn't interested, at all. Easy as that. I'd rather spend my hard earned money something worthwhile, not snowmobiles and fancy resorts.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Be Still

Everyone loves music, but some appreciate more than others. I, being a music major, would say that I do and I truly realized it this past weekend. My mom's birthday was this weekend so I decided I should probably go home. College and home is a pretty good distance away, about 2 and a half hours, so I listened to a bunch of music on the way home and I took another 45 minute trip to see a certain someone. I went there and back so all together I had 6 and a half hours of intense music listening. It was good time.

Anyways, I've noticed that certain songs extract different emotions. This sounds really cheesy, I know. But for instance, All the Memories by The Classic Crime makes me a bit sad because it reminds me of my high school show choir and how much I loved it. A couple songs by Tool also do the same but with drumline, it reminds me of the winter shows in the past.

However, the most emotional ones I have found are songs I sang with Esprit de Corps. Every time I listen to Make Some Noyz I get chills, because I can remember exactly what it felt like to just praise with everyone together. It was one of the most awesome feelings I've ever had. But the best one out of that group was Still by Hillsong. It's easily one of my favorite songs of all time. I had heard it a few times before Esprit but never realized how awesome of a song it truly is.

We sang it at youth group tonight and I just listened to it again. I almost cried. There are so many things going on in my life right now that I lose sleep over. I don't have a job and need one badly. I know what's right, but don't necessarily do it all the time. My classes are stressing me out already. I'm worried about a developing relationship for no real reason. I'm scared that transferring won't go smoothly. I'm even worried about not getting into the School of Music at UNL. Everything just seems to be chipping away at me.

Yet, in spite of that, this song reminds me not to worry, to relax, to be still, and know that God is God. He is King over the flood. I know His power in quietness and trust. I will find rest in Christ alone. My favorite lyrics of the song: "I will soar with You above the storm."

*sigh* thanks God.