Lately, I've been having conversations with friends of mine about faith. Generally, they're good, but I've found out that we don't quite see eye to eye on things. One of those things, is Jesus.
They've said Jesus wasn't perfect. A good majority of people actually belive this, but the thing is if He wasn't perfect, than none of us would be able to go to Heaven. Salvation does not exist. No one would be able to be saved. Do you really want to believe that?
The whole reason God sent His Son was to offer Him as a sacrifice to forgive every single one of us, and to allow us to one day be with Him. The perfect, sinless, unblemished Son of God is the only One that would do. If Jesus had sinned once, only once, we would all be doomed to Hell.
Now, Jesus was born to a virgin. Many people will argue that she wasn't, because otherwise it wouldn't be possible. The thing about God is...He can do what He wants. So, if He wanted His Son to be born to a virgin, so be it. That's the way it happened. I don't know how He did it and it really shouldn't matter. God can do anything.
The thing that amazes me the most is how Jesus remained perfect throughout childhood. Things were probably pretty easy on Mary and Joseph. This made it evident that Jesus was indeed God's Son, and sure, the Bible doesn't really give us much into Jesus' childhood, but one of the first times it does is often seen as a sin on Jesus' part.
Luke says that
"when Jesus was 12 years old, His parents and He traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. After they were done eating they packed up to head back home, but Jesus stayed and his parents were unaware of it. [. . .] When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him." ~Luke 2:41-45 If anything, this was Mary and Joseph's fault as they forgot their son. I don't think anyone would say that a boy left in a grocery store is his own fault. That is the parents' responsibility. And look what Jesus was doing. He wasn't worried: crying or running around crazy like any other kid would do. He was in the temple sitting and listening to the teachers AND asking questions. He wasn't worried at all. His parents had been gone for 2 days and he was absolutely fine. If your parents forgot you as a child and were gone for 2 days, how would you feel? I know I wouldn't be as nearly cool and composed as Jesus was.
The other instance people argue that Jesus sinned was when He went to the temple. He got angry, which is where many people believe the infraction occurred. It's amazing what simple and easy research in the Bible can do. Usually, it seems that this is taken out of context, and there is complete disregard for what others were doing around Jesus. They were using the temple as a marketplace. Selling and bargaining was going on in the Lord's house. You can imagine why Jesus was not happy.
Anger is not a sin. I mean, think about it, God has gotten angry numerous times. How can He go against His own law? But, you can sin IN your anger. This could be, swearing, being unkind to someone, etc. Jesus got angry because these people were misusing His Father's house and seeking to earn benefits of their own. They were not using it properly. That's why Jesus got upset and did what He did, had to do. Just like God would have done.
It just kind of blows my mind that some people don't realize that believing Jesus sinned, indirectly says that none of us are going to Heaven. Jesus was absolutely perfect in every single way, and because of that, we get to spend eternity with our awesome God.
Luke 23:13-15