What's your initial reaction to seeing this? I received this other day walking around on campus. An older man handed it to me and said "Have a nice day," and smiled. Being a christian, even I was almost tempted to toss it in the trash can a few feet away as he continued past me.
To make matters worse, I opened this little booklet. The very first thing you read is:
Dear Frequent Sinner
Each sin you commit earns you an Eternal Debt of punishment payable in full upon your death to the One you owe it to. God. Even one small sin earns a wage of eternal death. (Romans 6:23)
Being a college student, and knowing how most of them operate, how is this going to get through to them? Sure, it's useful information that should be known, but the first thing mentioned is how bad of a person you are? In fact, this entire card doesn't say "There is good news, though!" until the other side. By that time, you can expect most college kids to have checked out, quit reading and have thrown it in the trash.
This type of evangelism will not work with students. I know this because I've seen it fail over and over. And sure, you could make the argument that they aren't be "tolerant" or whatever, but that doesn't matter. The best way I've found to bring others to Christ is by building relationships. Yeah, some might take a little longer to come around, but they will at least give you some time to do as we're commanded by God.