Friday, November 7, 2008

Arraying Aphorisms

Politics. Racism. Abortion. Gay Marriage.

All of the above ideas have been brought up to me in the past week. Mainly because of the election, but in a non hostile environment I'm going to express my views, which I believe are right. They are based on the Bible.

Barack Obama is the new president of the United States. I did not vote for him. I did not vote for anyone. I was not in support of Obama because he was pro choice. I've actually had someone tell me I was racist for not voting for him. A friend of mine sent a bumper sticker on facebook today that said "Voting for him BECAUSE he's black is racist, too." I'm very picky on who I would like as a leader, and Obama wasn't exactly what I would have liked. I was a bit disappointed with the results, but for whatever reason it happened. All I can do now is pray for him.

It is wrong, no matter how you look at it. It doesn't matter if a teenage girl has unwanted pregnancy or a married wife is raped. It's a baby. You keep it. It's a life. It's the first and only time you will probably be able to get away with murder.

Gay Marriage:
This is a touchy subject. I've recently gotten into an argument about it. I've been told "they can't help it" and "it's not their decision." However, I find that very hard to believe when God says that it is wrong. Why would a loving God make someone sinful!? He doesn't do that. Why would he distance Himself from them!? It doesn't make sense. I really don't know if they can't help it or not and it really shouldn't even matter. My God says it is wrong, therefore it is. Plain and simple. I do not hate them. God doesn't hate them.

There it is. Take it as you will.

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