Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drummin' for the Huskers

It has been far too long since I posted anything on here, so hopefully this somewhat satisfies you.

Well, as of August 15th, I made the snare line at UNL, and it has been awesome. It's hardcore and I love it. Our center snare marched Phantom over the summer, so naturally he wants things very clean and intense. This is easier said than done, but I feel we keep getting better as the season goes on.

Yesterday, we had our first game, and it was incredible. I've been a die hard Husker football fan since I can remember, and actually being there on the field doing what I love to do was such an amazing feeling. Being surrounded by The Sea of Red was so sweet, and I get to do it at least 7 more times!

If you're ever bored in Lincoln on game day, you should come check out the line. We usually warm up and hour and a half before kickoff outside of Arch Hall. It's a good time.

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