Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it has been 2009 for a couple hours now. I have made a few resolutions, just like everyone else. I intend to keep them as well.


I never really exercised a whole lot on my own after gym class. I've decided I'm going to work out/run at least two or three times a week. Nothing wrong with being healthy, and you gotta have some kind of cheesy cliche on the top of your resolution list.


I do read my Bible, but not quite as often as I should. I plan to read every day at least once if not twice. I got some big decisions headed my way. If I want to make the right choices, reading the Bible is a great place to look. I also have some friends that occasionally will ask me for advice. How am I supposed to help them if I don't have at least a small amount of wisdom?


I know my roommate will love this one. I've been known for being a bit loud. I admit, sometimes it is a bit over the top. I actually read about it today, in my Bible. I have a good start on my 2nd resolution already. I was reading in 1 Thessalonians, in chapter 4 verse 11 it says, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life..." I figure it should be something I need to look into doing.

So there are my resolutions for 2009. Basically, I'm going to stay healthy physically and spiritually, and by being healthy and fit in both I will be healthy emotionally as well. Kind of confusing, but it's not, trust me. Here's an equation:

{{Healthy Physically + Healthy Spiritually = Healthy Emotionally}}

Happy 2009!

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